Titanic Themed Bathroom

Titanic Themed Bathroom


Titanic-era advert showing how the "frolic," "sport," and "fun" of showers need not be restricted to people of the class who lived on Fifth Avenue, and who ate Dutchess or Anna potatoes every day and showed the effects of it...


To judge from the sheer volume of bathroom ads which ran in the US 1910-1915, there was a big push to bring the working poor, and middle class, into the world of indoor plumbing. Shower conversions, collapsible bathtubs, ergonomic toilet seats shaped like an Earth-shoe which "...allow you to assume the position nature intended, with no further need to injurously strain the lower bowel." The list of options was endless.

There was also a push to make bathrooms "elegant." So, again, neurosis raised its ugly head, as companies sought to foster it wherever possible. A particularly (and unintentionally) funny graphic showed a distinctly uncomfortable-looking bunch of Helen Bishop lookalikes at a home Social Tea. Visible behind them was a closed door, and the source of discomfort... a bathroom with what a later generation would call SOUND LEAKS. The ad drove home that even if your bathroom was new, and stylish, and clean, the effect would be ruined if everyone could hear what you were doing, or not doing, behind the closed door.

My hours of 1912 toilet ad research have reenforced Jeremy's original point. Judged by the standard advanced towards the US Middle Class of 1912, via advertising, this Titanic/Olympic deluxe bathroom would have served as a "before" picture. Probably wasn't sound-proofed, either.

And, that shower. You could not hope to have FUN in it. A needle-type shower was present in the Lusitania and Mauretania's deluxe bathrooms so, if nothing else, Cunard's wealthiest passengers could expect hygenic sport and frolic while cleaning up for dinner.

Titanic Themed Bathroom

Source: https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/community/threads/titanic-bathrooms.4974/


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